
Letter from the President
GCAGS Benefits and Plans for 2014/2015

Good communication is particularly important to GCAGS, its approximately 10,000 members, and its 13 affiliated member societies.  Thank you for visiting the GCAGS website—a major tool of good communication.

This year we celebrate strength in unity with the theme “United we explore, united we learn.”

GCAGS leadership has sent out a Benefits of GCAGS letter to the 13 member society presidents.  You too can read the letter (click here).

GCAGS will work this year to energize member societies by highlighting their most notable meetings, short courses, publications and events in 2015.  Links to great things happening in GCAGS in 2014/2015 are right here on this webpage.  We want GCAGS members to know about them and to reap the benefits.  Timely emails will help point members to this web resource.

A big highlight for 2014/15 will be when the Houston Geological Society hosts the 65th Annual GCAGS Convention at the George R. Brown September 20-22, 2015.  Larry Bartell is the General Chair.  We have assembled an outstanding leadership team of energetic, experienced, and young professionals.  The call for papers is underway.  Please consider this opportunity to present a paper on Gulf Coast geoscience at the convention (or publish in the GCAGS Journal).

The 2014 Convention Lafayette Louisiana was hugely successful.  Thank you to Mary Broussard, Mike Quinn, Bill Finley, and the entire convention team.  Whereas the Lafayette flavor was Cajun, Houston will be Tex Mex.  It will be big, it will be great, and we encourage all GCAGS members to attend.

Charles A. Sternbach

In addition, the GCAGS 2015 Annual Convention committee is working to engage the powerhouse known as the SEG/AAPG Student Expo.  Both events will occur in contiguous convention space with a day of overlap.  GCAGS seasoned professionals will rub elbows with about 800 BS, MS, and PhD geoscientists looking to enter our industry.  What a great time it will be for GCAGS.  See you there!

Charles A. Sternbach
Houston, Texas

GCAGS Leadership Team photo, GCAGS Annual Meeting, Lafayette, Louisiana, Oct. 5, 2014.

GCAGS Leadership Team photo, GCAGS Annual Meeting, Lafayette, Louisiana, Oct. 5, 2014.