The online availability of the 2015 GCAGS Journal articles is made possible solely by contributions and support of Shell.
Factors Controlling Permeability Variation in Onshore, Deep Paleogene Wilcox Sandstones in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin: Targeting High-Quality Reservoirs
Shirley P. Dutton, Robert G. Loucks, and William A. Ambrose
Low-Thermal-Maturity (<0.7% VR) Mudrock Pore Systems:
Mississippian Barnett Shale, Southern Fort Worth Basin
Robert M. Reed and Robert G. Loucks
The Diagenesis of Shell Middens along the Gulf Coasts of Texas and Florida
Nicole M. Villarreal, Henry Chafetz, and John Meredith
Sequence-Stratigraphic and Depositional Controls on Reservoir Quality in Lowstand Incised-Valley Fill and Highstand Shallow-Marine Systems in the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Tuscaloosa Formation, Louisiana, U.S.A
William A. Ambrose, Robert G. Loucks, and Shirley P. Dutton
Chronostratigraphic Relationships of the Woodbine and Eagle Ford Groups across Texas
Arthur D. Donovan, Rand D. Gardner, Aris Pramudito, T. Scott Staerker, Matthew Wehner, Matthew J. Corbett, Jason J. Lundquist, Andrea M. Romero, Lindsey C. Henry, Jon R. Rotzien, and Kenneth S. Boling
Analysis of Pore Networks and Reservoir Quality of the Upper Cretaceous Woodbine Sandstone in the High-Recovery- Efficiency, Giant East Texas Field
Robert G. Loucks, Robert M. Reed, and William A. Ambrose
Using Electric Logs to Estimate Groundwater Salinity and Map Brackish Groundwater Resources in the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer in South Texas
H. Scott Hamlin and Luciana de la Rocha
Using Fault Kinematics to Evaluate the Relationship between Cenozoic Fault Activity, Sedimentation Rates, and Salt Movement in the Gulf of Mexico: A Comparison between Southwestern and Southeastern Louisiana
Abah P. Omale and Juan M. Lorenzo
Integrated Fault and Hazard Analysis in Downtown Houston, Texas
Jingqiu Huang, Don Van Nieuwenhuise, and Shuhab D. Khan |
2015 (Vol. 4)

Cover: Photomicrographs of Crassostrea virginica from the Chapel Midden/Shell Ridge, Historic Spanish Point, Florida (see Villarreal et al. herein). “PPL” indicates that the photomicrograph was taken in
plane-polarized light, and “XPL” indicates that it was taken in cross-polarized light.